For Community & Corporate Partners
Community and corporate partners can be involved in our HE programs in many ways, including participating in the shaping of our practices and projects in community development and corporate social responsibility, advancing their education through our professional development courses, and donating resources to help us grow our programs.
How To Get Involved
The strength of our program rests in our relationships with our partners. Our students benefit from a range of interactions with professionals from corporations, non-profits, government, and academia, including:
Visiting a class to share the role of humanitarian engineering or social responsibility in their career paths
Giving a campus lecture on a topic relevant to humanitarian engineering or social responsibility (see list of previous lectures)
Designing classroom modules to enhance student learning with real world experiences
Joining field trips with alumni and students
Support Our Mission
Our work is made possible by support from grants from government agencies such as the National Science Foundation and private gifts from alumni and philanthropic organizations. A generous donation from the Hewlett Foundation provided funding for the initial founding of the program. In 2016 Chuck Shultz ’61 and Louanne Shultz established the Shultz Family Fund to inspire our program to reach new heights and draw in new partners. We welcome collaborations on student design projects, internships, class lectures, financial support and more.
The value of our Programs
HE graduates learn to:
– Develop broader interests, a motivation to do social good, and a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility;
– LISTEN (the most important yet often neglected dimension of human communication) in addition to become excellent writers and presenters of ideas.
– Define and solve problems with stakeholders from different perspectives and interests;
– Design multiple solutions under restricted budgets and ambiguous boundary conditions;
– Integrate the technical and social dimensions of every problem as they know that engineering is ALWAYS a socio-technical endeavor; and
Mines students are already known for their strong work ethic, analytical skills, teamwork attitude, and perseverance. Graduates of the HE program’s two minors (Engineering for Community Development or Leadership in Social Responsibility) have a diploma from one of the best engineering schools in the country, like their peers at Mines, but they also offer much more.